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Head Coach: Evah Hedin-Baughn


Join our "TumH20 Cheer Tryout" Group



WE believe that our team is more than a status

WE believe that we are a sisterhood: Not by blood, but by choice

WE are held together by loyalty, compassion and understanding

WE believe it is our place to encourage, encourage, encourage and motivate, in and out of school

WE respect each other on all levels, by being real and tolerant of our differences, individuality & unique personalities

WE believe we are exceptional; Not because we say it, but because we strive to be it.

WE believe we were born to lead, not follow

WE believe our seasons to come will be enriched and enjoyable by avoiding conflict & being trustworthy & patient

WE will uphold the reputations of ourselves & each other by staying above reproach

WE believe we will succeed by being courageous, strong and selfless

WE  believe in ourselves

WE believe in each other

WE believe in our TEAM.