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Senior Exit Interviews


Senior Exit Interviews

Tumwater High School


The Tumwater School District Senior Culminating Project has multiple components. The final component is an Exit Interview using a presentation and interview format. The interview will last no more than 20 minutes and is divided into two parts. The first section consists of an introduction by the student, followed by a question and answer period by a panel of three adults (staff member, community member, and advocate of student’s choice). Please refer to the documents below for detailed information and instructions. Be sure to prepare ahead of time to have a stress-free presentation. If you have any questions, stop by the Career Center for help.   


  • Exit Interviews will be March 26th & 27th 2025
    • 10:30 AM-1:55 PM (six 25 minute time slots)
  • Students will schedule their Exit Interview through Sign Up Genius
  • We want all seniors to be successful. If something goes wrong during their presentation, students will be offered a second chance presentation appointment at a later date.  

Items to be completed before presentation

  • All High School and Beyond assignments completed during homeroom
    • Exception: Running Start students who have passed the below classes via Running Start do not need to complete their HSBP tasks in the Homeroom platform.
      • Classes that qualify for exemption
        • CCS 101 AND 
        • CCS 102, 103 or 104
  • Updated Resume: (students bring one copy to their exit interview and send one copy to Jill Bourgault via email or Google at Jill will be hosting Resume Workshops in February so watch for those announcements and dates.
  • 30 Hours of Community Outreach -  while the 30 hours of community outreach does not have to be completed and accounted for until graduation ticket time, the presentation should include discussion of the community service component that was completed and what they learned from the experience.


Jill will be hosting resume workshops in February- watch for those announcements in the Career Center Newsletter so that students can attend if they need assistance.

  • Panel :  
    • Panel Leader
      • Room setup for presentation
      • Technology ready 
      • Assist community volunteer and student advocate understand their role
    • Community Volunteer 
    • Student Advocate.  
      • Each student will recruit their own student advocate who is not a family member and must be over the age of 21.  If you need help finding an advocate, please see Jill in the Career Center.
  • Room Assignments:
    • Students will sign up on sign up genius, choosing a day and time slot
    • Students will then be assigned to classrooms by Jill  
    • Jill will hang the schedule with room locations outside of the career center

During the Exit Interview 

The Exit Interview will last no more than 20 minutes and is broken into two parts. Students should be prepared for the following: 

The Panel Leader will begin the interview by inviting the student to: “Tell us a little bit about yourself and your high school experience.” The student must address the following during their presentation (be sure to practice so you present your best self):  

  • Presentation Part 1
    • Student will have one copy of a resume to share with the entire panel
    • Students will use some form of visual aid, representing their high school journey or career path. (i.e. PowerPoint, musical instrument, construction project, etc) 
    • Students presentation should cover the following 
      • Resume 
      • Goals beyond HS
      • Skills and training received in HS as it relates to their plan
      • Reflective comments on their high school experience
      • What have they learned from the community service you’ve done?
      • Clearly identifies next steps toward reaching their post HS plans
      • Presentation (voice, eye contact, poise, etc.)
      • Question & Answer Opportunity 
  • Presentation Part 2
    • Each student will be expected to answer a minimum of four (4) of the 14 questions below during the question and answer session.  Please come prepared to respond to all of them that day.

1. What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

2. How are you different four years later than you were as a freshman?

3. Describe one of your most challenging classes or assignments that you faced in high school. 

4. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

5. What was the most significant educational aspect of high school, and why? 

6. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?

How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? 

7. Discuss a person who has had a significant influence on you and please elaborate why? 

8. Pick an experience from your own life and explain how it has influenced your development. 

9. What three qualities do you think are important for the career you are planning? 

10. What does it mean to you to be a lifelong learner? 

11. Describe your most meaningful achievement. 

12. What was your favorite part of high school, and do you see a relationship with that positive experience and your career path? 

13. Describe your ideal job. 

  • Scoring
    • Panel leader, community volunteer and student advocate will complete yellow rubric
    • After student leaves, please combine all scoring on the FINAL Rubric (white)
    • Turn in all materials to Jill at the end of the day.  Students will get a copy of their final rubric made available to them the week after the interview. 


TSD Senior Culminating Project - ADVOCATE FORM

TSD Senior Culminating Project - RUBRIC

Community Outreach Form