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Senior Exit Interviews

Tumwater School District

Senior Culminating Project & Exit Interview


The Tumwater School District Senior Culminating Project has multiple components. The final component is an Exit Interview using a presentation and interview format. The interview will last no more than 20 minutes and is broken into two parts. The first section consists of an introduction by the student, followed by a question and answer period by a panel of three adults (staff member, community member, and advocate of students choice). Please refer to the documents below for detailed information and instructions. To have a stress-free presentation be sure to prepare ahead of time. If you have any questions, stop by the Career Center for help.   



  • Exit Interviews will be held on March 26th & 27th 2025
  • Students will schedule their Exit Interview through Sign Up Genius
  • We want all seniors to be successful. If something goes wrong during your presentation, you will be offered a second chance presentation appointment at a later date.  


Items to be completed before your presentation

  • All High School and Beyond assignments completed for homeroom
    • Exception: Running Start students who have passed the below classes via Running Start do not need to complete their HSBP tasks in the Homeroom platform.
      • Classes that qualify for exemption
        1. CCS 101 AND 
        2. CCS 103 or 104
  • Updated Resume (Bring 4 copies to your Senior Exit Interview)
  • 30 Hours of Community Outreach (turned in to the Career Center and updated in Skyward)
  • Completed Advocate Form (turned in to the Career Center)



TSD Senior Culminating Project - PROCEDURES

TSD Senior Culminating Project - ADVOCATE FORM

TSD Senior Culminating Project - RUBRIC

Community Outreach Form